Thursday, February 2, 2012

Party of Two?

If your wondering this is what I mean from fast track to no track.... Just let's start from the begining... <br>
If you were to tell me almost 8 and a half  months ago I would be carrying my first child I’d laugh and carry on… little did I know it was true. A Thursday night “out with the girls” and a new beau turned into a night spent in tears after the results of a three dollar pregnancy test… I couldn’t believe the washed out plus sign that presented itself… I tossed and turned ALL night trying to cope with the results. In utter denial I awoke at 8am that next morning and rushed myself into our small bible thumping town. I had never in my life been more nervous as I sat in the waiting room of our health department… my heart jumped when the tiny nurse called my name. I felt like I had “pregnant girl” written on my forehead or something. There she handed me the dread plastic cup…. I went into the bathroom and took a deep breath. I placed my filled cup in the ting cabinet next to another tiny cup; little did I know each cup was without a name, just a one with a room number. (Keep this in mind) and walked out. She called me back to the room and I waited… and waited… that little cup could change my fate forever. “You’re in luck, honey it looks like your test came back negative, so enjoy your Friday.” My stomach leaped like any girl’s would! The day drug on and I could not get the test from Wal-Mart out of my head. Next thing I knew my cellphone was playing the popular ringtone with I number I could not recognize… it was the health department… they need me to come back in and “discuss my results”. I panicked I knew this couldn’t be true. What on earth was going on? Thank you for being the trusted officials you are… The test I had taken had been confused with the room number cup, I was retested just 5 hours after finding out I WAS NOT pregnant. This time I the results were NOT what I wanted to hear. This time I was in fact carrying a child, truly I could not believe it because they had screwed up once so it would happen again. Two tests later I was still given the same result. I had no clue what I was going to do at all. I was leaving for a cruise in 10 days going on the vacation of a lifetime with a girlfriend I had known since I was playing in the sandbox. Everything was in shambles, my life ruined. I had been the girl that would never ever get pregnant or have kids, I was gonna “live the college life”, not with a baby I wasn’t. To add more to the mix I was single. Myself and the father of my child had separated and it was a nasty separation to say the least. I fought with the idea of abortion, adoption and keeping her. I had no idea what I was going to do. I planned to take the easy way out; I could not do this alone and HIM as the father? YUCK!  Between the vomiting and withdrawing from my first college class (unrelated to the pregnancy) I was stressed, I but also had to find time to make an appointment with an OB, which I KNEW not a thing about. I couldn’t keep up... I was in turmoil and my world was crashing before my eyes. I went on my vacation and schedule my doctor’s visit for the days following my return. The appointment was quick and fast, nothing like I expected. I would be able to come back in a month for a schedule visit. I had been a planner my whole life and this WAS not part of my plan by any means, I would no longer be watching the drunken girl throw up, but now a baby. Although we had a nasty break up we somehow ended back together in each other’s lives, I’m not sure if it was out of pity, for the sake of his child, or true love, but he had come back and was ready to make a “family”. I can say I wanted it; I wanted this child to experience the life with a mommy and daddy, take family vacations together, and for the two of us to learn being a mommy and daddy together. It was a rough road, for those of you who don’t know pregnant women aren’t rainbows and ponies; we are crying, sweaty, hungry monsters. I’m not sure he was ready by any means. The day after New Year’s he was gone again. We haven’t said much to each other, except the occasional things about our daughter, Scarlett, and the fighting over new girlfriends. I don’t chase him to go to doctor appointments or to the hospital with me when needed. I hear from him about once a week and it’s never an easy conversation. My life had gone from a party of three to single motherhood, late nights by myself, holidays separated, and the learning process we were doing together, I was on my own constantly wishing I had the perfect life to offer my little bug and he didn’t seem to care.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


The backspace has become my friend in the beginning context of this. I never imagined myself as the 'blogger', I wasn't the artsy or individualistic self-expression type in our high school, but sitting here in my queen size bed wrapped in my polka-dotted sheets I realize with all the changes my life is encountering maybe I could start. Lately, my life has went from the fast track to no track. I had the world at my feet when I took the last step across the graduation stage college, a amazing man, a wonderful family and an amazing job making a dollar above minimum wage. I had it great... or maybe what I have right now is great? Is this fate, my destiny, or a mess of ugly? Would i get a sign what? I have always been an over thinker, a planner and most of all a worry wart. This worry consumes my life currently, part of me wants to embace my new life and choices and the other part wants to develop an alias an move far away. As the days grow I grow and I take a new step toward my new life. The oven is buzzing and the armoa of my frozen pizza is filling the air so i must end it here... Happy Reads Bloggers